Sunday, August 21, 2005

Back to the Plan

When I started this blog I wrote that it was to focus on development of a plan for the near (if not far) future. Well, maybe not. Mostly I just saw an article about blogging that connected me to this site and when I saw how easy it was, I got started. (Or rather, I got started… to see how easy it was.) I love to write; thought it would be fun; and needed to create a title and have it be a URL that wasn’t already taken. Hence, cathywithoutaplan. A random thought became a project.

If you’ve been reading along from the beginning, you might be thinking that Plan Development seemed to be taking a back seat to trivia, fluff and the occasional, and probably ill-advised, foray into more serious topics. Stuff just occurs to me, and I start to write. Probably no “direction” is suggesting itself from all this, although I AM seeing that random thoughts CAN become projects. So maybe the Plan has a first step, anyway.

If I had to put a simple title to my professional background I’d reluctantly admit to having been a “Career Counselor” most of my life. So you can imagine how embarrassing it is to be without a career idea myself! But through all the years of doing career/guidance counseling and facilitating school-to-work transitions, I’ve always thought that the best results came from random connections – a person we met, a single opportunity that led to another and better opportunity, “resonance” with something we read or heard somewhere. Doors open, and the one we choose to enter means both that we don’t find out what was behind a bunch of other ones, and that new ones appear that wouldn’t have presented themselves if we hadn’t chosen one in the first place. Maybe a better characterization is that Sparks Ignite.

I don’t know if this is going to lead to anything or not – but I seem to be at least moderately obsessed with it, so I’ll continue with Random Connections and looking for sparks.


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