Monday, September 26, 2005

An Adventure

I'm flying off to Orlando for a few days, meeting a friend to go to Disney World... or something. An adventure, as it were.

Yes, this is an odd thing for me to do. I don't usually do things separate from Mark; I don't especially like to fly anymore; I have to wonder about hurricane season, although maybe that part will be OK. I know, from a friend who lives in Florida, that it will be hot and humid there at this time of the year. I am not likely to stay 'fresh' in such circumstances...

But! It really should be a hoot and I am very much looking forward to it. It is just a quick trip - basically just one full day there. And I've never been there before - so it is something new.

So here's to Adventure.


At 6:53 AM, Blogger M.J. said...

Being single, I travel alone all the time. If I didn't go alone, I'd never get to go anywhere! I visit the people and places I love, and discover new places and have adventures along the way. I do love to travel.

A couple of years ago, another single friend of mine and I took a trip to Disneyland in Anaheim, spent 4 days there...we had a ball! I love the Magic Kingdom. It's magic doesn't fade when you become an adult.

Have fun on your trip Cathy, enjoy the discovery of new places and people.

At 3:47 AM, Blogger Cathy said...

I love to travel too - but immediately before and after I am bogged down with the hassles; enough to make me second-guess the benefits! Screaming toddlers, uncomfortable (painful!) seats, security 'assaults', wasted time on flight delays, bad air... it all adds up. I miss the days when air travel was a comfortable luxury. If only I could just drive everywhere!

But, truly, the fun outweighs the hassles, and we did have a magical time.


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