Monday, September 04, 2006

Moving right along...

There are boxes, and more boxes... but we've already mentioned that.

There is painting and more painting... Oh - did I mention that too?

Every day we paint, open boxes, fold paper - since the boxes mostly contain paper and if you just wad it up it will fill every available space and quickly start on the space that isn't really available at all.

And every day things get a little better, and a little worse. I am so glad to have the partner I have, because he makes things easier and doesn't complain and is just so good to be with. (We've spent a LOT of time together lately!)

There are problems, and eventually we come up with solutions - even the problem of the odd-size-that-doesn't-seem-to-be-available-in-stores pins for all our bookshelves has been solved with a smaller size and a little masking tape. The shelves I thought were missing weren't missing at all, just mixed in with the shelves for another bookcase. (I do seem to have a problem with shelves, don't I?) We found a dowel to replace the missing pin in the Adirondack chair and the chairs themselves found a wonderful shady spot beneath an enormous cedar tree in the backyard. Some of the china cabinet stuff has been located, to my great relief, inspiring hope that the rest of it will surface eventually. We managed to get the Weber grill out of the box-maze in the garage and are looking forward to a barbecue as soon as we find some time.

All in all, well... better get back to the painting.


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