Thursday, March 01, 2007


I was admiring Frik – my cat – some time ago for his sense of style and for his flexibility.

Frik settles on a spot in the house to sleep and it becomes his favorite spot for days, maybe even weeks. You will always find him there, in the lap of whatever luxury he has discovered to be The Spot. Then suddenly he forsakes it entirely and finds a new favored position. It might be the chenille throw on the living room chair with the sun shining on it. Or the laps of the Raggedy Ann dolls on the guest bed – another sunny spot. For weeks it was the Pendleton wool blanket on the rocker in the bedroom, and then the basket on the table by the window overlooking the front yard, followed by the plump throw on the bottom of our bed. Fine places, all of them. Yes, he has a knack.

But there is method to his change in preferences. I tend to forget, but…

I found a near-petrified cat’s hair ball (and the accompanying, now-dried mess) on the guest room bed yesterday. The mess had spilled over onto the laps of my Raggedy Ann dolls, and onto the pillow shams, as well as the quilt. So that’s why Frik was no longer sleeping in the sun on that bed! And when I started to think about it, I realized that, with the possible exception of the chenille throw (and I will re-check that thoroughly now!) he had presented a hair ball to be cleaned up in each of his favored spots. Then they aren’t favored anymore. In fact, he won’t go near them again – resulting in his continued careful selection of Good Spots.

There is much to learn from this. Good things are to be found everywhere. When something gets ‘not good’ anymore, simply move on until someone cleans up the mess and it becomes ‘good’ again. Don’t dwell on past embarrassments or lapses of grace. Always look good, because much is overlooked when you do.

And finally: Be Flexible. This whole posting actually started out as a rant about roofers rescheduling over and over, and pictures and shelves needing to be moved because of the new window and draperies, causing a chain reaction throughout the house… All ridiculous stuff. Now I am feeling flexible and in control. All will be Good again.

I, too, have style.

And in a Post Script, we have snow again – so I had to include a picture. Will my daffodils survive?


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