Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The New River

More West Virginia pictures - I could do this for months! I don't understand the rounded mountains with just solid trees on them; trees under which a bunch of those 1.8 million WV-ians must live. (In the west we have pointy and rocky mountains.) And I'm surprised at how shallow the rivers actually are.

This is, I think, the New River. I don't really know which way it flows (or what could possibly be 'new' about it) so I don't know whether this is up- or down-stream from the New River Gorge area where the big bridge is that they jump from, but I threw in a picture of that too, just for good measure.

(And no, we didn't go rafting - those are some other people. The one time we tried that was a little rough on Mark who doesn't like either 'wet' or 'cold' and he is still accusing us of trying to kill him - and it was years ago!)


At 7:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess the concept of mountains is just a matter of perspective. When Kathy's parents were here in Tucson, Her mother thought our mountains were just "big piles of rocks", not really mountains because she couldn't see any trees on them (from the valley floor).

At 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We just saw a show on TLC, I think, about the top ten bridges in the world and the New River Gorge bridge was featured. The number one bridge was the Golden Gate.


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