Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Squirrel update

Carl's comment regarding our squirrel on my last posting prompted me to provide a Squirrel Update:

We now have 2. And sometimes 3. (Leaving us to question the advisability of naming the original one 'Squirrel.')

Word gets around I guess. Free peanuts. The second squirrel is obviously a female and she is getting pretty aggressive toward our little original Squirrel, even to the point of going up his tree. He's intimidated, for sure. She is a little less sure around the jays though, and seems to like to have her peanuts doled out one at a time so she doesn't have to beat the birds to them. (I am, of course, completely trained to do this for her already...)

And I don't know for sure who the 3rd one is; when there are three around at once it is a little hard to tell who's who. Clearly none of them like the competition. They don't seem to be a 'family unit' at all.

While the female is on the porch, all but knocking on the door demanding peanuts, our old friend Squirrel is out in the yard, circling around with his nose on High Alert and digging up past peanuts to either eat or re-bury. (I did question whether he could actually find them again - but I guess he can! Clever Squirrel.) I'm not sure how that strategy is going to work for him later in the winter - but am wondering if he is trying to impress her with his ability to find them rather than wait for them to just appear. She doesn't seem to be noticing, if that's the game plan.

Endless entertainment.


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