Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Making something out of nothing

There were two news stories in the headlines today about "X denies involvement in Y." That strikes me as ridiculous. You could make up any news story at all with that as your premise. All you have to do is pose some scandal-hinting question to someone and there you are - they have to deny it and you have your story. Of course the celebrity didn't see UFOs. Naturally the politician isn't screwing his secretary and the referee didn't bet on a game. Absolutely the parish priest isn't smoking pot in the confessional and the grocery store isn't selling contaminated spinach and the gas station didn't just spill it's last load of gas down the ravine. There is no merger deal, there is no negative report, there is no missing money or children or documents.

All there is is an instant story.

Not really worth reading.


At 9:29 PM, Blogger Ryan Stouffer said...

So was that you I saw riding a Unicycle down the street while juggling flaming chainsaws?

At 9:43 PM, Blogger Cathy said...

I absolutely deny that!


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