Monday, August 17, 2009

Oh Boy, Puppies!

We just HAD to run down to Portland yesterday to see the puppy. (We had other, very valid justification for a 400 mile day-trip, of course. We finally were able to meet Laura's father - visiting from New Mexico - got a tour of the foundry Todd manages, and went to the 100th birthday party of two friends who just each turned 50 - congratulations Greg and Joann - but THIS is about the puppy...)

I took the camera, of course, but had some difficulty. (Lately I've been finding the failures just as interesting as the successes, picture-wise.)

Here's the thing: Puppies move fast. So do people playing with them, as long as they have an interest in keeping their fingers and toes. So I have a bunch of photos of blurs, and people not really where they were when I started taking the pictures, and close ups that got a little too 'close up,' and, well...

Here's Todd, for example, playing with Dillon:

And Dillon saying Hi:

And Mark, talking to Dillon, from an angle not-exactly-where-I-started-from:

There were a few more successful shots though:

What fun!!


At 7:17 PM, Anonymous Dr.Mark said...

So while I expected to fall in love with the puppy it makes a difference when it isn't YOUR puppy and of course being A capital CAT, cat person I could n't give in quite so quickly. Maybe the next visit, sure is a little cutie dog and that is no mistake. Maybe it was the PINK collar w/o studs or maybe not.

At 8:12 AM, Blogger carl s said...

She IS a cute little thing!

At 11:36 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

What a great dog!

At 12:57 PM, Blogger carl s said...

The first two pics remind me of the time we were trying to photograph some egrets and a blue heron. They were next to an irrigation ditch along Painted Rocks Road, near Gila Bend. Every time I would slow the motor home down so Kathy could take a picture, they would fly off. We ended up with a bunch of pictures of a rather non-descript looking field...not a bird in sight,

At 7:29 PM, Anonymous Dr Mark said...

Well there is nothing like a dog act to stimulate the conversation. Never follow a boy and his dog or a banjo act is the vaudeville rule. Anyway, yep a right cute pup and that is for sure. Cathy will figure out how to work a banjo into the Blog somehow. Some 2 million bloggers quit blogging last year, they didn't have enough dog or baby pictures I guess


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