Found Art
Although we didn't quite have the nice weather predicted for the weekend, it at least didn't rain, and we weren't flooded in, so we took advantage and did some 'street hiking' in both Anacortes and Seattle. (Mark usually calls it 'street walking' but I don't want to give the wrong impression here of what we were actually doing.)
Of course we took the camera and of course we found interesting stuff to photograph. In Seattle at least one person has a positive view of city rats, painting their nuclear shadow on a parking garage entrance:
And in Anacortes, they paint their human population of yesteryear onto the sides of buildings, decorate their trash cans in honor of local canneries and find other useful ways to add art to function:
We did actually find the usual compliment of 'vistas' to photograph, lest you think the long winter nights and excess rain have gotten to us, but sometimes those aren't the most interesting shots. And some trips are just like that. (I am reminded of a strenuous trail in Jack London State Park in California that was so 'uphill' and so full of horse poop that we came home with a whole bunch of pictures of poop piles that we were going 'oversize' in photoshop to depict the mountain with us in miniature next to them, clawing our way up that horrible pile. Not that this weekend's outings were that sort of trip either.)
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