Home Sweet Home
The boxes are unpacked. The furniture is in place. Closets are arranged and drawers are filled. Even the TV and cable internet (hooray!) are installed. The pictures are hung on the walls and 'decorative accessories' lovingly placed. The cats are purring happily on the bed, OUR bed, which is oh, so comfortable. True, the legs to the table and the shelves to the bookcase are missing, but hopefully the moving company will ultimately locate them. We're trying not to let ourselves be too upset about that part. When moving companies do the packing for you, the sheer amount of packing paper involved can be overwhelming at the other end, because, of course, you have to unpack yourself. I know from experience that wadding it up will only increase the overall volume, so I carefully folded and straightened each piece and put the stack in a box (saved for when we get to do this again!)
And after all that work, our dear little Maddie decided she had to take on the whole box herself, carefully tearing little pieces of paper off and spitting them out on the floor. (We don't know why she does this, but it is quite a habit with her.) We were going to have confetti. A LOT of confetti. So intent was she on doing the job well, that we didn't have the heart to interrupt. She didn't actually get to all of it though. (One thing about that Maddie - short attention span.)
So the boxes are broken down and stored in the truck. The chewed up paper is cleaned up, and we are comfortably 'at home.' It's about time!
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