Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Miscellaneous Stuff

Mark’s employer is hiring new engineers at such a pace that they all have to share offices – there aren’t enough to go around just now. This is a bad thing for engineer types. He has a friend, Nate, whose strategy for getting his own office is bean burritos. Nate shares with Dawei, who is fighting back with some kind of Chinese cabbage soup... This just isn’t the sort of ‘office intrigue’ that I experienced in my own career.

We are living very near a wetland area and the frogs have come out for the season. We heard them making quite a collective racket the other night. But last night, as we walked by one of the ponds, a lone croaking could be heard, which promptly stopped when the traffic noise quieted down and our own conversation could be heard. So why do they think stopping the noise suddenly is going to help? There is much in nature that doesn’t seem to justify continuation of a species. Fortunately, they seem to muddle through.

When the movers were carrying furniture out of the KY house, each big piece they removed left behind a mass of cat toys that had been batted underneath or behind something and couldn’t be retrieved, even by little paws. So I stuffed all the toys into my bag and brought them back. Frik fell in love all over again with a little fuzzy chick and ‘nosed’ it for hours. I can only think that it smelled like home. Boy will he be pleased to get some of his own furniture back next week! Moving day is the 6th!


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