Friday, May 05, 2006

Morning people

I'm going home tomorrow, on a 6:30am flight. Even with the relatively crowd-free Tucson airport that means getting up around 4am. I am not a morning person; I've never really seen the point. Sunrises aren't all that great. I don't even drink coffee.

But it got me thinking about "morning" people. Why do they always act so smug about their early-rising habits, as if waking up before first light is a sign of being a Better Person somehow. Is it a character flaw to actually get some sleep? You don't see the rest of us carrying on about how they could possibly be such duds as to have nothing to do in the evening but get to bed by 8:30 (which seems like such a waste to me, but just a waste, not a moral issue.)

Uh oh. Am I 'carrying on?'

I have to get up tomorrow at 4. It will ruin my day.


At 6:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

in spite of the fact that my poor sweetie is having to get up at 4:00, I will not. I will try and sleep in and hope there will be no kids practicing their screaming. I don't know what it is about parking lots that seems to produce screaming little girls but maybe the one I hear now will be hoarse before tomorrow morning. Hopefully the putz with the supersensitive car alarm will have to park on the other side of the apartment parking lot. Maybe he will run over the screaming little girl. Anyway, come o' dark hundred tomorrow morning I will feel sorry for my sweetie who is not a morning person and for that I am very very glad.

At 7:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

4a?! That's about the time I go to bed, at least on weekends. :)

At 7:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. I'm not a morning person by choice, but my occupation forces me into this unnatural behavior. So much so that I now have a hard time "sleeping in" even when I have the opportunity!


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