Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sorting and Cleaning

We have an onerous task ahead of us today - sort out the mess in the garage to see what is left to unpack and find a place for it. All the boxes, basically, and even some of the furniture got stacked in the garage when we moved in and we've been trying to get at them ever since. They are stacked 4 and 5 high and certainly in nothing like organized rows and that hasn't helped. It also doesn't help that many are labeled Halloween Decorations and Christmas Decorations when they don't, in fact, seem to contain those things at all. Wardrobe boxes that one might expect to contain wardrobe items are packed with other stuff as well. All very confusing. Not to mention messy.

And it didn't help that both of us, over the past two weeks, have gone on frantic rampages through them to find specific treasures that we thought were missing and, for one reason or another, felt we needed to find NOW. This left the piles in disarray and packing paper all over the place - sort of feels like the aftermath of the Macy's parade.

So - today is the day! We are going to take everything out of the garage, sort the empty, flattened boxes, put up the storage shelves around the edges, unpack the remaining boxes, repack the stuff that we are just 'storing' for sentimental reasons, and decide what we simply don't have room for.

And we're not even getting an early start.

Todd is coming this week to help with "Home Improvement Projects" and we have to be ready!


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