Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I've been reading bits and pieces, headlines mostly, about the US Senator making inappropriate remarks/advances to a young male Senate page. Each day an informative new 'news' release arrives - first the poor Senator has checked himself into alcohol treatment because he has a 'problem' that is aligned with a medical condition (read: not his fault) and now today we learn that he was abused by a priest as a child (read: really not his fault.) Poor guy, I guess. He is the real victim here. Or something.

Is it just me or is this predictable? Isn't this the accepted formula for rehabilitating a political career: admit it after you can't deny it any more, be the victim yourself, seek 'treatment' for something and jump on any current 'sympathy' bandwagon you can catch. You'll be back in the saddle in no time.

We need across-the-board term limits. It would be a start, at least. One or two states can't impose them effectively, but if we all did, could we begin to do away with the Good Ole Boy Network and maybe, with it, even the whole bizarre way that our legislature has come to function? What could we Be with a government that works on a simpler system that doesn't require being "in" in order to do something? No more 'behind the scenes' legislation and backroom deals. No more pork barrel politics. No more perverts being protected by other perverts. No more cozy relationships with big business. No more attention to the 'war chest' to the exclusion of the issues. No more 'career' politicians. Maybe we'd even get representation of the actual voters, instead of the 'contributors.'

I'm just jaded. I'm sure it wouldn't work. They'd think of some other way. Whoever 'they' are.


At 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about no more political parties? No more special interest groups passing out bribes, no more intellectually dishonest, shrill, hypocritical pundits like Michael Moore, Bill O'Rielly, Ann Coulter, Al Franken, et. al. No more Feaux News, no more Air America.

If we could get rid of the political parties, perhaps people would have to stop being so lazy and uninquisitive. Perhaps people would stop responding to labels like "conservative" and "liberal" and actually think for themselves.

Perhaps, but I think I should listen to my sense of cynicism and stick to the facts. As long as there is power, there will be corruption. As long as there are people who are more interested in basing their opinions off of sound bites and emotional pleas, there will be staunch partisans. As long as there are blissfully myopic people, they will choose sides and fight about trivial nothings.

At least it makes good TV.

At 7:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Jeez... There Ryan goes. But just think... The Daily Show and The Colbert Report are so much better because of it.


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