Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Why so difficult?

This is one of the phrases Mark and I use to indicate frustration and incomprehension over the day to day hassles of managing the interface between our lives and the 'business' world we have to deal with all too often. I think it comes from an obscure movie made from an even more obscure graphic novel called "Tank Girl" and was said by the mutants who were trying to do battle with the sophisticates.

"Why so difficult?"

And I wonder that every day. Why do things have to be so complicated? So inconvenient? So frustrating? Why do policies change, often and arbitrarily? Why is there so much inconsistency, or incompetence, or indifference? Why can't things just be as they should be - or as they ought to be? (OK - I admit it: as I want them to be?)

Why do we get letters from insurance companies that require verbal translations? Why does the garbage company tell you one thing when you want to add yard debris service and another thing entirely when you want to discontinue it? Why do credit card companies put so many 'security' road blocks up when you are inquiring about your own account while at the same time they are selling ALL your confidential information to anyone with a dime to pay for it? Why do 'installation schedulers' go home at 3:00 when the rest of the business is open until 5 and why should I have to call back when they are there? For that matter, why do we have to listen to 5 levels of 'choices' over a period of 10 minutes in automated call systems before we get to actually talk to a real person on the phone in the first place? Why is the checkout line that I am in always the slowest? Why are all the wonderful things on sale at Macy's NEVER in my size? Why don't roofers return phone calls? Why am I always out of one ingredient for each of the 15 things I can think of to make for dinner without having to run to the grocery store? (OK - that one is my fault entirely.)

Why do I have insomnia?


At 8:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Cathy is going to like this one. The statement actually appeared in the SF classic FarScape. I think that there are 2 or 3 bumbling alien thieves that basically bungle a heist. They are of course pretty easily outsmarted by our Hero John who easily confounds their limited abilities. I seem to remember that one smacks himself in the head mid cogitation and exclains "why so difficult, why always so difficult"

Tank Girl has the memorial phrase spoken by the heroine to Malcom McDowell the villian "I have just 2 words for you 'brush your teeth'" and the equally fabulous rejoinder
"you have baseball cards?"

Ah SF beats romantic comedies anyday of the week

At 7:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I might be able to explain the roofers. They are just too busy to bother calling back. The rest can be explained as applications of "Murphy's Law"


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