Friday, February 02, 2007

Ground Hog Day and Birthdays

The ground hog didn't see his shadow this morning. (Or did he? Oh dear. I forgot already!)

OK - looking back to the news, yes, I mean No...

I mean he didn't see his shadow. At all. And so that means an early spring - or is it 6 more weeks of winter? Six more weeks of summer?

I don’t get this stuff.

Another example: The notion of "Spring forward, Fall back" isn't simple to me at all since I have trouble with the general concept of setting clocks in the first place. And don't even get me started on airport "arrivals" and "departures." (I am arriving at the airport but I want to depart... ) Do you feed a fever and starve a cold or the other way around? Doesn't everyone get that one confused?

(At least "lefty loosey, righty tighty" makes sense to me. I get points for that, don't I?)

It would seem that there is too much to interpolate between ground burrowing mammals and weather conditions and catchy slogans. (And what's with this "Candlemas" business? Wasn't it complicated enough?) The whole 'springing forward and falling back' just seems like so much lurching around to me that I can't really get a grip on the back-process notion of squaring sunlight up with working hours. Oh well. Since it doesn’t, inherently, make sense to me, my brain just dumps it right back out. So I can’t even remember, 5 minutes after reading about the ground hog this morning, whether it was ‘shadow’ or not, and whether, whatever it was, it was good or bad.

To me, Ground Hog Day is simply my mother's birthday. And since I've never even met a ground hog, but know and simply adore my mother, the birthday always overshadowed the 'holiday.'

(Sorry. "Overshadowed" may have been a confusing choice of words here.)

I just wanted to wish my mother a happy birthday!


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