Saturday, July 07, 2007

Sporting Events

We were trolling for something to watch on TV late this afternoon when we came upon a new sporting event on ESPN - broadcast from Las Vegas, no less:

Rock, Paper, Scissors Championships.

I kid you not. The old game is taking odds in Vegas. Oh yes. Rock crushes scissors, scissors cuts paper or paper covers rock for the win. You can see that training, strategy, and stamina (there is considerable discussion about the possibility of the favorite coming up with 'wrist cramps') are critical and there is much to be gleaned from pre-competition interviews and past match reviews toward improving your odds of backing the winner. Trying to ignore the announcer's inevitable comments about going "mano a mano" we just had to scoff at the bookies and the groupies.

Good grief.

Evidently there is a World RPS Society (serving the needs of decision-makers everywhere.) On their website they explain the rules, give the niceties of 'good form' and even have a legal disclaimer about how, yes, it is a decision-making tool but no, they are not legally responsible for the actual Decision.

All this is going on while the all-important, ultimate "awareness" gambit is happening on other channels - Live Earth concerts. Who ya gonna go with?

Talk about 'decisions.'


At 7:03 AM, Blogger M.J. said...

Hey dear, sounds like this falls under a similar category to my "people will buy anything" and "people will eat anything" theories.

A friend of mine was getting ready to vacation in Seattle last week and it reminded me I hadn't touched base with you in awhile. I've been busy...and lazy! I'll try to catch up with you by email soon.

Take care!


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