We've been working on projects around the house again - in a great flurry of activity that has been very satisfying. It's amazing what you can do with a little bit of paint and a lot of hard work and some hand tools. Our bathroom project came out very well considering that all we really did was repair the walls and change the look with paint and new fabrics. We also added some 'siding' to the front of the house beneath the windows where there basically wasn't any (don't know why there wasn't, but it seemed to have been part of the 'design' of the house - causing it to look more 'squat' than it needs to) and we weeded and mulched the two 'wild' gardens on the side of the house where things keep popping up and blooming unannounced.
Very satisfying.
We like to work together. We like to make progress on things. We enjoy both the planning and the accomplishing. Our little 'fixer-upper' has been a lesson to me in patience and the joy of anticipation. It was a bit of a junker when we moved in and so we've been fearless in our 'improvement' projects. It's also smaller than other places we've lived, so tackling a job in this house isn't nearly so daunting as all the possible jobs in other houses that we never even had the nerve to start.
We're happy in it. I need to remind myself of that once in a while - like when the plumber is here cutting holes in the walls - so this 'diary-like' blog posting is a marker to me of that happiness. I may need to look back at it some time!