Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Body Image

Somehow over the years when I haven't been looking (and believe me, I haven't been looking for a long time) I have turned into an 'apple.' I used to be a 'pear' - carrying weight on my hips and thighs instead of around my middle. A number of years ago I lost a whole lot of that weight - and actually kept it off for about 4 years. But when the weight finally went back on, it had a whole new idea of where to go. Sort of 'all over,' but a lot around my middle. Not good.

(I ask my son if he remembers me from his youth as being fat or slim and he refuses to answer on account of Diplomacy. I guess he probably did actually answer, huh?)

This is a significant issue because 'apples' are more at risk of heart and other health problems than 'pears.' But even more troubling to me is the fact that my old standard of when it was time to cut back on the cookies - when my pants didn't fit - doesn't apply very well any more. I should be scrutinizing myself, for health and aesthetics, in more... um, places.

(Here's where another of Mark's favorite jokes would apply:
Me: Honey, I'm gaining weight in a bunch of different places. What should I do?
Mark: Don't go to those places.)

Anyway, I guess it is time for my perception to catch up to reality. I'm an apple. And I need to stop eating cookies.

I have body image problems.


At 9:12 AM, Blogger carl s said...

Most of us do (have body image problems, that is). I'm the opposite of an anorexic. When I look in the mirror, I see a skinny person, But the scale tells me otherwise! Somehow, a chubby guy shows up in all the photos of me too!

At 1:48 PM, Blogger Cathy said...

I saw a cartoon some time ago with a pot-bellied man looking into a mirror at his reflection which, to him, looked fit and heroic, and a trim and shapely woman looking into another mirror at a reflection which, to her, was fat and dumpy. I wish I could find it again to illustrate your comment!

Mark always finds "an old, fat guy" in our photos too. Weird that 'he' seems to follow us around.

And this brings up another "Mark joke" from his comment to me about this posting:

Mark: I didn't go to your blog to be insulted.
Me: Really? Where do you usually go?


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