From my 'in' box
I needed to delete some messages from my email account because it is just too big and too slow. This gave me a great chance to review some of this valuable stuff:
An email from my friend at work with pictures of a deer being rescued at sea. No information about what the poor thing was doing (besides swimming her heart out) at sea in the first place. Heartwarming nevertheless.
A reminder that I need to update my subscription to my anti-virus software. Then another one, and another one. Then a note that, not to worry, they updated it themselves since they just happened to have my credit card information in their files. Then a thank you for, you know, updating my software, and finally another note about the importance of anti-virus software in the fight against spam email...
A gi-normous file of music downloads from the 60s from someone in my high school class that is clogging up the works entirely and which, I'd be embarrassed to reveal, I really don't know how to download and listen to anyway. (Even if I did recognize any of the music, which I doubt.)
An E-Card" showing me a flower bouquet that someone sent.
An advertisement from our favorite fish house reminding me that Friday Fish is going on through Lent and just look at the scallops they have in - fresh!
An email from a friend with the most darling pictures of her granddaughter that you ever hope to see - that I keep going back to even though I probably never will, actually, see her in person.
Another spam email that someone thought I just shouldn't miss, showing a man with a cat's behind tattooed onto his belly with the 'base of the tail' (shall we say) just fitting into his bellybutton. (You might be a redneck if...?)
A timely email from Safeway telling me that all the stuff I just bought at full price on Tuesday is now on sale.
... Fun stuff. No wonder there is never anything interesting in the actual mailbox out on the street.
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