Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Maybe I'm missing something but...

According to an MSNBC headline story today 43% of respondents to a recent poll say the country is 'on the right track' and 43% say it's on the 'wrong track.'

The headline? "Obama Gets High Early Marks"


In addition to other mumbo jumbo, they also declared: "Perhaps most significantly, Americans so far find him to be likeable."

I guess that means a lot.


At 2:11 PM, Blogger Cathy said...

Isn't it funny... about an hour after I posted this the article was changed - the 'bad job' part was omitted in the new version but the article didn't carry a flag that indicated that it had been updated. I love the internet.

At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Carl said...

That IS funny. Another curious thing... For the last several years, there has been a pop-up ad. for an IQ test on one of Yahoo's pages that stated that "George W. Bush's IQ is 125". "Can you beat that?" After the election, it read "Barrak Obama's IQ is 124". Realizing, I'm sure, that Obama couldn't be dumber than "that moron" Bush, they changed it to 128. Now, you can't find any references to Obama's IQ anywhere.


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