'Weird words' is today's topic, though for no particular reason.
(I don't have enough to do?)
Some words are just inherently funny - producing a smile no matter what - like "poop!" Or they are formed in an odd way in your mouth (as in "fruit" - just like a melon ball in the very front of your mouth,) or they just roll off your tongue, like "indubitably." Others are harder to STOP saying than to start - "necessity."
How many flower names start with the letter P? Peonies, poppies, pansies, petunias, penstemon... Every time I see a primrose I can't come up with the name... because of all the 'white noise' that is 'P' plants.
Anyway, just for amusement today (goodness knows I need some amusement today) I offer these choice words:
"Floccinaucinihilipilification" - to establish or state that something has no value.
Fear of long words called "Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia" though why, I couldn't understand.
Nudiustertian means "the day before yesterday". I don't think I'll actually be adding that one to my vocabulary.
(Remember 'bloviate?' Good word.)
They're all good. Use them well!
Thank you...I'm confident they'll be eminently utilitarian!
You forgot your previous favorite...porch.
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