Monday, April 20, 2009


'Weird words' is today's topic, though for no particular reason.

(I don't have enough to do?)

Some words are just inherently funny - producing a smile no matter what - like "poop!" Or they are formed in an odd way in your mouth (as in "fruit" - just like a melon ball in the very front of your mouth,) or they just roll off your tongue, like "indubitably." Others are harder to STOP saying than to start - "necessity."

How many flower names start with the letter P? Peonies, poppies, pansies, petunias, penstemon... Every time I see a primrose I can't come up with the name... because of all the 'white noise' that is 'P' plants.

Anyway, just for amusement today (goodness knows I need some amusement today) I offer these choice words:

"Floccinaucinihilipilification" - to establish or state that something has no value.

Fear of long words called "Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia" though why, I couldn't understand.

Nudiustertian means "the day before yesterday". I don't think I'll actually be adding that one to my vocabulary.

(Remember 'bloviate?' Good word.)

They're all good. Use them well!


At 10:50 PM, Anonymous Janet said...

Thank you...I'm confident they'll be eminently utilitarian!

At 8:00 AM, Blogger carl s said...

You forgot your previous favorite...porch.


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