cathy, without a plan...
You probably need a sense of humor and a certain playful attitude toward life and the world around us to appreciate my blog. If you lack either of these, perhaps you can download them from the internet. If you've been here, I'd love to know - please leave me a 'comment.'
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
I was happy to actually get a couple of days of sunshine - and so was my garden. Spring has been LONG in coming to the northwest. And since Mark is out of town and I had the weekend to myself, I used yesterday's sunshine to get some petunias planted, spread some bark mulch, put in some stepping stones into a newly cut out section of yard-turned-garden and generally puttered around pulling weeds and clearing up, watering roses and peering at peony and lilac buds... you know - gardening stuff.
Little did I know that yesterday was "World Naked Gardening Day."
Missed an opportunity there...
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