Leap Day
It's Leap Day. A gift from the gods (and the scientists) and a day that should be treated with the respect that it deserves for keeping us all aligned with the cosmos.
At my age any extra time should just be treasured. And since our local weather experts predicted that we'd all wake up today to snow I thought it would really be a day I could use to best advantage. But how? Planning needed here! Think! (I thought.)
What special day would be complete without baking? And if it's a snow day besides? Perfect! I have a fabulous recipe for cinnamon buns that works into an hours-long project. What a great start! I could sit by the fire with my Sherlock Holmes book and read while the dough rises. I could catch up on laundry and floor cleaning for a bit - feel like I accomplished something. But that wouldn't take up too much time because I'd want to play with the cats, print up some photos, look through some old magazines to see if there was anything to keep, maybe even take a little nap. What a pleasant thought. What a great day!
I woke up this morning and it hadn't snowed after all.
I had to get up and go to work.
(Cinnamon buns aren't really good for the diet anyway.)