Friday, March 30, 2012


Really.  It's time to quit this.  I am no longer giving it the time or energy it requires.  I don't lie awake nights composing the next post or casting about for new topics. I don't look at the world in quite the way that I'd need to, any longer, to do this right.  Not sure why - mostly "life gets in the way" is the reason for that sort of thing.  I am busy with work again - and too many 'cycles' are devoted to other things. I read. I garden.  I work. I take day trips and look for opportunities to see new things. Working in the financial planning business means I do a whole lot of planning for retirement. 

It seems like I am really no longer 'without a plan' at all.

But unfortunately I DO get bothered when the days go by and I don't add to the blog, or when a month goes by - as this one has - with no addition to the archives.  So I'm giving it up.  It's silly, really, to keep it going. Social Media went in a different direction in the years since I started doing this. And I didn't want to go with it.  So there you have it.

My new 'plan' is to review all the past blog postings and pare the whole thing down into my own favorites and actually publish it in my own little book for my own little library.  I might, in the meantime, add something... if something occurs. But I won't count on it.  While I probably won't 'unpublish' it and delete it entirely - yet, at least -  I AM giving myself permission to call it quits.  I'm done.  

But it WAS fun.  Thanks!

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