Sunday, August 28, 2005

'Hand Crafted' Applied Differently

I spent most of the day yesterday developing a website. Of course I don’t have any reason to HAVE a website, but that didn’t stop me. I made up a reason just so I could play around with Microsoft Publisher to create one. I love that program, but must confess: This is NOT hand crafting.

It WAS wonderful fun though. I posted pictures, played with font style, size and color, rearranged the page, spun off new pages, formatted text boxes, tweaked alignment, changed templates and color pallets a dozen times, added and subtracted features, and endlessly tested it out in “preview.”

I may not have Content, but I have Style.

Then, of course, I had to go back and change it all again because I exceeded the 10MB of space my ISP provider offers in their "for free" deal. Oh well.

I also have no idea what I am doing from a technical standpoint. Do I need to learn about HTML and CSS and whatever other 'mystery acronyms' are out there that govern this stuff? Evidently not. Just like Blogger provided the means to set up this blog and make it all work and look good, there are lots of tools out there that will let me do just about anything else with my computer. So is this 'cheating' somehow?

I think my web page turned out great - or might, if I actually put it on the web. But it still might be cool to know all the inside stuff that makes this happen.

Aren’t I the one who loves “Hand Crafted,” after all?


At 11:32 AM, Blogger M.J. said...

I think if you're going to use your web page for personal fun, then you should go ahead and use the tools. A little background in HTML and CSS wouldn't hurt though, and can provide a means for personalization and troubleshooting later. But really, it's a personal preference. From what I know of you so far, I'm guessing you're going to learn how to do it yourself. It's your nature!


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