Sunday, December 25, 2005

A Hundred Million Miracles

It is perhaps an obscure song from the (possibly also obscure) musical 'Flower Drum Song' - a song about the amazing in the mundane - and it has been going through my head all day.

"A Hundred Million Miracles."

The song is of these things: A toddler tries to walk for the first time and almost doesn't fall down; a girl gets a tan from a sun that is a hundred million miles away; a bird's egg hatches into feathers and beaks and legs...the sun keeps rising. We don't know how or why such a miracle keeps happening, "but somehow or other it will."

Maybe that was my gift today. A reminder that there are a hundred million miracles in my life that will, evidently, keep happening. Somehow or other this amazing man loves me; this incredible young man is my son; this loving, caring, funny, bright woman is my mother, and I have this huge family who laughs together, keeps each other company and loves each other - one and all. All this keeps going on, in spite of challenges, frustrations, disappointments, sicknesses, setbacks of all sorts... Amazing. Miraculous, even.

Merry Christmas!


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