Wednesday, March 01, 2006

OK, it’s better now

I was feeling pretty desperate. In spite of telling myself over and over that I need to stop whining and take some action, I couldn’t seem to do it. But having successfully braved the evil Department of Motor Vehicles yesterday, I gathered the nerve to take some steps on my own finally. At some point, given a vacuum of information, you just have to act on what you know instead of waiting for the unknown to resolve itself on someone else’s timetable.

So here’s the deal. We just found out today that we can have a 30 day extension here, but that won’t be long enough in any case, for even if we had a contract on the house signed today we couldn’t be in a new house in a month. So we have a couple of appointments to look at possible apartments, and if either of them looks good we will take one, and if not, I will start looking again soon after mid-March. As I called around it seemed like availability wasn’t impossible, even though Microsoft is hiring new people by the thousands (literally) and they must be going somewhere.

The new place will be unfurnished and we’ll have to decide about whether to pack up things in KY and store most of them but have some delivered to the apartment, or just live without. I think we’ll buy a futon to sleep on and then just see whether the apartment is tolerable for a longer term, and if so, give up on the idea of buying a house right away and just stay in the apartment for a while. (If anyone comes to visit, we’ll put you up in a hotel!)

So that’s the scoop. Sad, really. But there you have it.


At 9:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You go girl!!!


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