Thursday, April 13, 2006

Getting things right

I’m having a little trouble getting the right shelves for my furniture from the moving company. They brought the base unit – an oak étagère with a cupboard on the bottom, a place to put the TV on top of that, and two adjustable shelves in the upper area, which, of course, are missing. I’ve twice given them the dimensions of the shelves – which I can easily do since they have to fit between the 4 upright posts on the piece – and they have twice now come back with other shelves of a different size.

Is this a concept that is hard to understand? They measure 30” by 15”. They are made of oak. They are flat, with no lip or front piece attached. We have many other bookcases, in a variety of widths, all of which also have loose shelves (for indeed, most bookcases have been made in such a way that you can adjust the spacing to accommodate your specific books) but none of which are in a 30” by 15” size. All the other shelves are likely in groupings with their matching set – at least 5 per set. These are the only ones that are just 2 alike. The person who is looking for them is the very same person who came to my apartment with the first ‘wrong’ set and who wrote down the measurements as I gave them to her – while she was looking right at the unit itself.

Sorry for the tedious explanation but I’m trying to explain the recent communication from them: “We’ve found 2 more shelves. They are only 24’ long and have a lip on them, but they should work anyway. Would you like us to bring them out tomorrow?”

I don’t really know how to answer that at this point. Sure! Bring them on!!


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