Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Tear Jerkers

Of all things, "Swiss Family Robinson" is on TV. You know - the old movie with terrible acting and an odd configuration of wild animals and pirates. (Mark says that even as a boy he recognized that when they were killing pirates they had such a low budget for pirate extras and costumes that they had to kill the same 2 or 3 of them over and over again.) I only watched a few minutes of it - when the family dogs have to attack the tiger to save the boy who had just caught the elephant. (I told you it was bad!) I couldn't watch the 'resolution' of that part because I was afraid the dogs would get hurt or killed. It's THAT kind of movie.

I can't stand 'tear jerkers.'

What is it about those old Disney movies that just pull at your emotions, totally without your permission? I can't even look at a picture of Bambi without 'tearing up' and don't even get started on Dumbo - just a little snippet of music is enough to get me going. And I don't even like them! That whole "circle of life" business is just awful. Who ever thought that would be appropriate fodder for 'entertainment?' Children losing their mothers, boys losing their dogs, dogs losing their way... what is entertaining about any of that? Nightmares, that's what those scenarios are. Why are they the plot lines of children's movies instead?

I was obviously horribly scarred as a child by this stuff, even though we weren't 'movie' regulars by any stretch of the imagination. I blame "The Wonderful World of Disney" TV show. Can I sue?

Give me a romantic comedy any time. You can keep the tear jerkers.


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