Wednesday, June 07, 2006


There is something out there that doesn’t like me.

I was sneezing at the alarming rate of one every 5 seconds for most of the afternoon yesterday; a horrible attack, lasting several minutes, followed by a period of itchy throat and pressure in the sinuses. Then back to sneezing. It’s been a bit of a show stopper.

And it is just this sort of thing that puts the skids to dreams of gardening here in the Northwest. We worked with a landscape designer when we lived in Oregon a few years back – to design a beautiful back garden and patio that could be enjoyed mostly from inside the house in the air conditioning with the HEPA filter. She thought we were nuts. Or a sad case, perhaps.

Looks like we might have to do the same thing here, which brings us around to ‘freeway plants.’ These are right up our alley – plants that can be planted on freeway interchanges or medians and pretty much left alone. I am trying to catalog them as they come into bloom this spring so I know what to try when (if?) we get our own place. Freeway plants. Great.

Unless, of course, they are exactly what is out there that doesn’t like me!


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