Thursday, October 26, 2006

Lowered Expectations

We used to watch a show called MADD TV (is it still on?) which had a regular feature, complete with theme song, called 'Lowered Expectations.' I can't remember any of the skits but do remember the little musical introduction, which showed a (by TV standards) 'marginal' couple walking hand in hand on a beach in not very good weather. The musical ditty comes to mind all the time in response to Current Events in our lives. (We haven’t had a real good year!)

But in this season of political campaigns, Lowered Expectations has become a regular mantra in a not-so-humorous way. I can't remember the last time I voted FOR a candidate I thought would do a good job. (Isn't that what is supposed to happen?)

In Washington State the mud slinging started a few months ago and has escalated as the election comes closer. Each political ad tries to characterize the opponent's position on something in so negative a light that the opponent is then 'forced' to respond in kind. We really have no idea what the truth is - if indeed there is a truth to any of this. We don't ever get to find out, directly, what the candidates are actually FOR – what they think or believe or are committed to themselves – but we do know what they are against! Each other. Big time. All their air and ad time is devoted to telling us what awful, unconscionable thing they think their opponent is up to.

I’d like to see someone run for office promising to do NOTHING. We don’t need any more laws. We don’t need any more policies, spending packages, taxes, treaties, or resolutions. We have too many already. How about rolling it all back? How about letting the economy do its job and the local schools do theirs, and the border patrol do what the border patrol is supposed to do and on and on. Let’s not invade anyone for a while. Let’s not interfere with businesses or churches, or people’s lives or bedrooms.

Mostly let’s not sacrifice our freedom and way of life to out-of-control laws and executive orders.

Let’s be FOR something. Let’s be for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Let’s RAISE our expectations!


At 6:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would be great but the Liberitarians (or anyone else, for that matter) don't have enough money to become a viable party. The Democrats and the Republicans are corrupt but they also have the power. The electorate is far too stupid to realize that they don't have to vote for or against what they see on TV. People are psychologically attached to two political parties who seem to be perfectly content with running the country into the ground as long as they get their kickbacks from the oil industry or the unions.

It is unfortunate that the "hope" for change right now is no better than the status quo. Its even worse than Orwell could have imagined. The pigs are already human.

Our system is broken. The problem is, most Americans are too stupid to realize it.

At 10:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I don't think it was called "MADD" TV. That would be a horribly depressing show! :)

At 6:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right it was called DAMM, Drunks against Mad Mothers. Or maybe MAD TV


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