Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Language issues

My last posting was supposed to have spaces between paragraphs and no matter how many times I try to correct the formatting, I can't get the spaces to happen. If you read my blog regularly, you know that I use paragraphs a lot and this loss of spacing is making me crazy. You can't convey meaning precisely without paragraph spacing! It just looks dumb. Or something.

Which reminded me of some other 'making you look dumb' observations of late, having to do with written English language. When we visited the state fair last month we noticed a big banner stretched across one of the main walkways that said "We're glad your here!" I wasn't sure what my 'here' was or why anyone should have been glad of it, so this just didn't make sense. Could they have been trying to say they are glad "you're" here?

On the ferry ride from Victoria yesterday there was another sign that invited us to "visit anyone of our 8 stations. "Anyone?" "Any one?" (For that matter, "no one" is two words as well - not "noone.")

After we got back to the Seattle area via the Kingston-Edmonds ferry, and being, thus, in Edmonds, as it were, we were greeted with the request of the city fathers of this fine city to "See Edmonds future; Be Edmonds future." Where was the apostrophe? I don't know what kind of future Edmonds could possibly have without an apostrophe. Even my spellchecker knows that is just wrong.

If I publish this and no paragraph spaces come out in it... well, I just don't know WHAT I'll do.


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