Saturday, January 12, 2008

Calvin and Hannah

Finishing up with family pictures here...

William (of the fake beard) had several sons - two that I know of, but maybe more that someone else knows of - and one of those was Calvin (1862 - 1937) who married Hannah Ziegler (1865 - 1940) in June of 1889. As far as I can tell his mustache is real, and he looks quite dashing there in his formal portrait. Hannah isn't so bad her own self. And to marry in June... very romantic. (Or maybe not so much in 1889, but maybe they were trend-setters.)

Here is a picture of them, in their later years, sitting next to each other and between Calvin's brother Addison and Addison's wife Cecilia. They are sitting on a bench at Scoop Reed’s park (Mr. Reed had a dock and diving board, and boats to rent, picnic tables etc.) at Bunker Hill in Pennsylvania.

Anyway, Calvin was a saddlemaker and worked in Hottenstein's store in Lebanon, PA:

And Hannah and Calvin begat Paul (1890-1956,) my own maternal grandfather, shown here with his dog, Jerry...

... And again, many years later, working in his office at Metropoliton Edison at 7th and Chestnut, Lebanon, PA.


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