Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

I'd like to be able to say that Easter dawned bright and glorious, but here in the Northwest that is an unlikely happening, and in fact... didn't happen. Yesterday was glorious though. We built a little retaining wall, spread bark dust over the front garden, tilled the soil for two new gardens and generally pottered around outside reveling in it as much as we could.

Today is a dark, wet, and dreary day and I'm going to spend it looking back through my photo albums to reinforce memories that came to mind this week of trips we've taken with Todd and flowers and gardens we've seen. We're going to bake a ham - even if it is just the two of us - because somehow we got a hankering for ham sandwiches - and splurge on calories because Mark needed a chocolate bunny and thought I should have Easter-colored M&M's - my very favorite.

My mother is having Easter dinner for the family at her house this year with 32 people expected (or something like that) since 'family' means in-laws of in-laws and shirttails of the loosest sense. It should be a rollicking good time and I wish them all a very Happy Day.


At 8:37 PM, Blogger Carolyn said...

It was crowded and we missed you! I hope your Easter was a nice one!

At 10:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We missed you, and I was supposed to take a picture to send to you but didn't remember until we were serving dessert,so it was too late to see the really long table! I'm sorry! Hope your day was lovely and peaceful! love, Janet


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