Icky - a lost blog post
I found an un-posted entry on the 'behind the scenes pages' of my blog. Not sure how that happened, but there it was, lurking in my archives with a red tag on it. You'd think I'd have noticed before. Loathe as I am to waste any effort or miss an opportunity to have a 'memory' link, here it is, slightly out of date and dusty, as it were:
There is a narrow silver trail running in a random pattern on my bedroom rug. I recognized how it got there immediately. I've seen those before. Somehow a slug got into the house. I know where he's been by the silvery slime left behind, but I have no idea where he thought he was going. I suspect he joined us by hitchhiking on a shoe or the towel that Mark brought in from the garage and left on the closet floor. Since I know slugs eat plants, I think he is in sorry shape in my house. There are nothing but fake ones here. (I never had a decorating dilemma that I didn't try to solve with a fake plant. Though I've been making a concerted effort to rid myself of that habit... well, I'm just not there yet.)
We have cats. We don't expect much from them but I don't think I'd be out of line in thinking that one of them could at least have alerted me to the presence of a slime machine in my house, wandering aimlessly back and forth on my rug.
Yet there they are, studiously looking the other way. I don't believe they don't know it is there. But they have their 'philosophy' to stand on, in principle - don't ever go looking for trouble. If it is there, someone else will probably deal with it.
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