Friday, January 23, 2009


After reading today's news I've come to realize that I have EFS. Yes, a new 'condition' identified in a recent study, EFS or 'external food sensitivity' is a condition that influences people's eating habits. Researchers were, evidently, surprised to find that people react to the sight of appetizing food by wanting to eat it (and here's the really surprising result:) EVEN when they aren't actually hungry.


I bet advertisers would like to have that information. Oh wait - they already knew that! (In fact, I wonder how anyone didn't already know that?)

The information I'd REALLY like to have is who paid, and how much, to explore this 'unexpected' idea with actual research?

You may also be interested in knowing that the number of obese American adults now outweighs the number who are merely overweight. That appears to be a direct result of the constant shifting of the definition of 'obese' but that's OK. Funding for someone, somewhere, will come from this new reality also.


At 10:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It't called "stimulating the economy". We'll be hearing a lot of that in the near future.


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