Up a tree
I didn't know raccoons could climb trees. Maybe this little guy didn't know that either. He hung around the house most of the weekend - in and out while we were working outside - and at one point decided he needed a snooze in the tree, so up he went. Maybe you can tell by the trunk size that this is quite a tall tree. And maybe if you look really close you can also tell that the left front foot of our little climber is mangled and he is missing his middle 'fingers.' How he managed to get up the tree - and back down again, head first! - is a wonder. (Yes, I used the 'zoom' on my camera and yes, the house behind the tree looks like it is WAY closer than it actually is...)
We had a WONDERFUL Mother's Day weekend! Todd came up on Saturday afternoon and we went to the nursery for a couple of plants for the front garden to replace a pine tree/shrub that had been damaged in the winter snows. The shrub came out - roots too (and hooray for that, and the fact that the chain saw actually worked!) Then we weeded, edged the garden, laid down bark mulch, swept up the mess and stood back to admire our work. Very satisying.
We also took a hike, cooked together and generally had a wonderful visit.
All that in just beautiful sunny weather! No wonder the raccoon needed a snooze.
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