Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I've been sick for a week. A cold, I think, although it could be swine flu. One of my co-workers came in to work with a fever last week, and 3 days later - bam. Flattened me right out.

I don't do 'sick' well. Not that I whine or fuss (do I, Mark?) but more that I just can't get over something once I have it. I hack and cough and blow and carry on - can't sleep because I'm choking on phlegm... nasty business. Used tissues everywhere. Red nose. Sore ribcage from all the blowing and coughing action. Not good.

I've stayed home from work - not wanting to spread the cheer to anyone else because I'm secretly suspicious that it really IS swine flu, even though everyone else scoffs at that. (More than just cold symptoms, duration, severity of the fever... I'm not totally irrational on this, am I? Since it happens that I have my annual physical appointment today anyway, maybe I'll get reassurance from my doctor on that point.)

Anyway, it's a complete waste of time. Not going to work; not really doing anything at home. Not even feeling well enough to read - certainly not well enough for cleaning and just plain impractical for cooking. A week of my life just blown away. Unfair. I missed a weekend in Portland for my son's birthday. They just bought a house and I missed getting to see it before they put in the offer. (Congratulations, you guys!)

Is there another way to deal with this? It just seems like such a waste of a good week. And how many of those can any of us afford to lose?


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