Friday, January 15, 2010

Some Observations on this Rainy Friday

We are having dreadfully rainy weather here in the northwest - just lovely if you don't have to be out in it, which I don't at the moment.

And so I have some time to share a few observations from this past week. (An idle mind is a terrible thing.)

On my drive to work I pass a junior high school with one of those electronic signs that give parents and others information about things relevant to school - early release on Wednesday, no sports on Wednesday, canned food drive this week etc. - but it is timed so slow that you can only read one, maybe two, 'announcements' as you drive by before you are past and can't see it anymore. So I've been puzzling for some time now at the admonition to 'Be aware of winter.' In the first place, with everything gray and bleak, late sunrises, and temperatures in the 40s I don't see how any of us could NOT be aware that it is winter. But more significantly, I can't understand why my being aware of it is going to help. Finally today I caught the next 'frame': Conditions. I think they want us to drive carefully???

I succumbed to the laziness of daytime TV the other afternoon (another casualty of bleak weather) and watched the Duggar family as they welcomed baby #18 on reruns of "17 Kids and Counting." Perhaps appropriately, the show was sponsored by a birth control pill. I doubt the Duggars would approve. Wonder if they know?

Also on TV, there is an ad for Microsoft's new operating system about "I'm a PC and Windows 7 was my idea." The ad has a guy talking about how "some time ago, I thought about..." and shows 'him' in a flashback, depicting him as about 30 years younger. Did it take Microsoft THAT long to release a version of Windows that had features that their customers actually wanted? Do they really want to brag about that?

I'm glad the weekend is here!


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