Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Dog Show

We watched the Westminster Dog Show, of course, over the last couple of days. (There is just NOTHING else on, after all!) And I have some questions about 'designer dogs.'

Why do so many dogs these days have their tails on backwards? Isn't a tail an extension of the vertebrae of the back? As such shouldn't the tail extend straight out from the rear of the dog instead of bending forward over the back toward the head? Dozens of dogs had their tails covering their backs instead of waving out behind them. I always considered the tail to be a nod to modesty - covering up what ought to be covered up, as it were. So many of the dogs had - excuse me - their asshole as their most prominent feature, as a result of this unfortunate trend.

There is also an increasing focus on dysfunction. How many dogs are there that can't see for all the hair covering their eyes and can't breathe because of squashed in noses and can't walk because of 'fringe?' That poor 'corded' dog probably hasn't been allowed outside in years for fear he should mess up his coat.

And who could have thought a 'rat tail' would be an attractive feature to encourage on a beautiful dog like the Irish Water Spaniel? That's just bad aesthetics.

We enjoyed it anyway.


At 4:04 PM, Blogger Ryan Stouffer said...

I'm offended! My dog isn't a designer breed and he proudly shows off his chocolate starfish. :) The tail is there for balance and most older breeds have tails that curl up.


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