Monday, September 05, 2005

A Labor Day hike at Raven Run

There is a nature sanctuary near our house that we first visited this past spring. We hiked the trails and took endless pictures of the array of wildflowers - it was wonderful. But it's been too hot to go back. Until today.

While there are probably miles of little trails crisscrossing each other - and a map that we can't seem to read - we took the main trail, just as we had done in April. There is a meadow at the top, now full of thistles, and from there the trails move into the forest, eventually coming to an overlook above the Kentucky River. The return trail takes you along a beautiful stack-stone fence. Wonderful place!

When we first moved here, we read about the Kentucky River Palisades - beautiful rock walls that were formed by the river over the millennium. I saw an incredible picture on the internet of them once (but can't find it again, of course.) I've since led us on many a fruitless excursion to get a good view of them. Not possible, evidently. There are a few trails that wander near the river on public lands, but they don't ever really break out of the trees enough to see the river below, much less the rock above. And my own attempt at capturing the beauty that I can find in photography looks washed out with too much sun. So, I tried. But am not happy with the result.

We'll have to go back, again and again.

I did find a site advertising the photos-for-sale of a local photographer that might help you get a better look: James Archambeault


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