Tuesday, September 13, 2005

"Talk Like a Pirate" Day

Next Monday, September 19, is "Talk Like a Pirate" Day. Argh.

Yep, you’ll be wanting to mark that one down on your calendars. I’m not sure yet how we’ll celebrate but you can bet there will be lots of swash-buckling going on at our house on that day. Oh yeah.

Columnist Dave Barry has gotten involved in promoting this Special Day. He wrote an enlightening column for the Miami Herald about it that you won’t want to miss, providing information on the origins and founders and potential sponsors - all the good stuff that Dave Barry does so well. (Unfortunately you'll have to Google it - Dave Barry Pirate - to find it because a link just puts you to a page to subscribe to the paper - maybe I'm doing something wrong there...)

Anyway, I’m commenting about it now because it would appear that there is absolutely nothing we need to do to prepare for this occassion – and we should all be able to relish that to the fullest. So far, at least, Hallmark seems to have passed up the opportunity for a greeting card. Imagine. An occassion without any decorating, cooking, gift-wrapping, greeting-sending or anything else to do... We'll have to figure out how to celebrate this on our own.

I don't even want to think about it.

Maybe we could just practice saying Argh.


At 7:50 AM, Blogger M.J. said...

I like his idea of "Talk like a pirate in the Godfather day"...

"I'm going to make him an offer that will shiver his timbers."

Here's the direct link to the article for those who have never seen it.

What we need is a pirate dictionary to help us out. We can't go around just saying "ahoy matey" all day. I mean really, how much pirate do you actually know?

At 7:56 AM, Blogger M.J. said...

Wait, here's a Pirate Dictionary. Plus, it's on a site celebrating the Pirates of the Caribbean. Click on "Eye Candy" for plenty of pics of Johhny Depp and Orlando Bloom. What could be better? Yummy.

At 8:01 AM, Blogger Cathy said...

Wow! You struck it rich there. There's all kind of stuff we can use in conversation on Monday! I like this one best: "Yo-ho-ho: A very piratical thing to say, whether it actually means anything or not." Seems quite appropriate!

Thanks for finding the right link!


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