Monday, December 12, 2005

Lost in the Space/Time Continuum

My brother just pointed out that the time signature on my postings is suggesting insomnia again - but that isn't the case, actually. My computer thinks, for some reason, that it is 12:40 am when it is actually 1:40 pm - probably a result of the frozen battery problems it suffered along the way from Kentucky, coupled with the fact that I forgot to change its time zone. (But I would have thought time postings would be 'blogger' time, not my computer time... Another mystery of blogging, I guess.) Anyway, I don't have insomnia but I AM confused about where and when I am, as it were.

(I was watching 'The Triangle' on Sci Fi last night - or at least I think it was last night - and they, too, were having trouble with the space/time continuum.)

I've lived in enough places over the past few years that I am sometimes confused, when I wake up in the middle of the night, with where I am - which wall is the bed against and, if I got up to go to the bathroom, where, exactly would that bathroom be? Not good. Which road would I take to go to the grocery store? And what would the name of that store be, if I even found it? Very confusing. And having moved from Eastern to Pacific time over the last week, we are finding that bedtime is not at all the right time for going to sleep, making waking time not at all right either.

A one-bedroom apartment furnished with rental furnishings just doesn't feel right space-wise. Nightfall happening at 4:30 pm doesn't feel quite right either.

The cats are hiding under the bed. I'm tempted to do the same. But then where would I be when I came out?

This 'space/time' business is better left to the experts!


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