Wednesday, January 04, 2006

At loose ends

Do you know what you do when you are displaced and at loose ends? Watch more TV. I wouldn't really say it was interesting, or even a good way to spend time. But it is there and mind numbing. There are repeats of every imaginable show. There is much selling, even more preaching, and virtually constant (if inaccurate) weather reporting. They must have had a ‘special’ on John Cusack this week, because there is a different John Cusack movie showing on no fewer than 4 channels at the moment. (I actually hope that John Cusack isn’t ‘at loose ends’ himself to watch TV, because that would be a really mind-bending experience for him, I’d think.)

Having the TV on muffles all the noises as well as relieve the boredom. So what IS that person doing below me with the bathroom fan? How could they NEED the bathroom fan on that often… and for that long? OK. I don’t really want to know. That’s why I’m watching TV. I don’t really want to know.

We’ve never had good apartment experiences. In California we were in an apartment for several weeks while waiting to close on our house and the person or persons below us started cooking Indian food every morning at 8am. It always smelled the same. Every day. All day. Very spicy – but always the same. Did they really eat the same stuff for 3 meals a day every day? (I’m probably being very un-P.C. just now, huh?) But close quarters does that to you.

We’ve been to the bookstore a half dozen times in the few weeks we’ve been here but obviously we’ll need to go again. I’m at loose ends. Bogged down in frustration. Starting to like John Cusack movies. Next I'll be binging on reality TV. Good grief.


At 9:31 AM, Blogger M.J. said...

When I went to see Spider Man I was constantly distracted by the character "Mary Jane" it something you get used to, hearing your name on the screen on TV or a movie? I totally couldn't focus on the story. I went around for weeks asking people names "John" and "Bob" if they got distracted by it (they didn't know what I was talking about, so the anwer is that the novelty, apparently, wears off if you have a common name).

I don't know what made me think of that...

At 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Cusack is one of my favorite actors. I've always liked John Cusack movies.

...nothing wrong with that!


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