Monday, January 23, 2006


I've been neglecting my blog for a few days - not because I forgot about it, but because I am in a slump and don't have anything to say again. This has happened before, of course, but is always disconcerting to me.

Let's face it - I'm not happy at the moment. I hate uncertainty and, faced with it, have a strong tendency to 'doom and gloom.' We left Kentucky almost 2 months ago and our house, with all our furniture and possessions still in it, is yet unsold and we are still living in a little apartment with rented furniture and towels. I want to 'get on with it' and can't. The house has to be sold before any 'next step' can be taken. I want a new 'plan' and have no way to make one.

And I'm going bonkers.

I'm worried. I'm bored. I'm anxious. I'm claustrophobic, while at the same time uncomfortable going out where I keep getting lost. I'm just 'biding time' and know that isn't my strong suit. I need some action, a project, a direction, a goal that is actually under my own control.

Whew! There's nothing like being whinney and self-pitying to really get over the top, is there? Sorry. It's just all very disconcerting. Maybe tomorrow will be better.


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