Friday, January 20, 2006

A few thoughts on Getting Older

Try not to.

I know. That's only one thought. But it's mostly what I have. The flip response, that "getting old is better than the alternative," is probably from people who are less observant, and insensitive to change. And the other quote most often heard on the subject - "I still have everything I've always had, only 3 inches lower" - isn't any more comforting. In fact, it is basically the problem.

Sagging, slowing down, getting shorter, losing hair, losing muscle tone, getting spottier and 'wrinkle-ier', and less likely to do anything interesting on a weekend night is quite a bit to look forward to. Fortunately our eyesight also diminishes so we are less likely to notice our deteriorating condition. An older friend confided in me once that about the time her eyebrows were thinning out too much, she also couldn't see anything close up without reading glasses and couldn't pluck the strays even if they were there - a fair compensation, I'd say. Another friend was always out of bed at some ungodly hour each morning, not because he wouldn't have enjoyed sleeping in, but because everything hurt too much to say in bed. I'd say that was pretty sad.

And that's pretty much where I am. When Bed isn't comfortable anymore, well, what's a body to do?


At 6:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! What timing. My birthday is on Saturday, and it is a big one. At least there will be a monthly compensation starting in March. Where did those years go, and the aches come from?

At 7:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Judy!!!


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