Monday, January 30, 2006


If anyone has been following the weather in the Northwest you may have noticed that we are having Rain – with a capital “R.” And maybe even all-caps, with exclamation points. In bold print. Italicized.

It’s really RAINING!! The kind of rain that makes you wish you knew how to build in cubits.

When you don’t have to be out in it, a rainy day is wonderful. It’s gloomy and dark; the rain sounds nearly drown out anything else. It’s almost like being snow-bound in a blizzard, except that I really could go out if I needed to. But I don’t. So I am sitting here looking out the window and wondering about the inequity of it all, and marveling at its beauty.

Rainy days at home make me want to bake cookies or watch a schmaltzy movie or take a nap all curled up in one of my Pendleton wool blankets, with my cats on top.



At 6:30 AM, Blogger M.J. said...

Cubits? Good one Cathy!

I left the Pacific Northwest because of all that rain. While you are correct when you say it's nice if you can stay in, that's only true for a few days. After that it's just one more gloomy dark day. I couldn't take it.

You must be baking a lot of cookies!


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