Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Circle of life sort of stuff

My sister in Arizona is reporting progress on the quail's eggs that were laid in her hanging fern pot a month or so ago. It seems they are hatching, and much activity is being observed. (The dog had to stay inside - the likelihood of one of the chicks dropping right into the waiting jaws of Kita is actually quite high!)

It seems that quails make a break for it almost as soon as they hatch. No lolling around in the nest while the patar familia bring juicy worms and such. These chicks pop out of their eggs and hardly have time to adjust their eyes before they are teetering precariously on the edge of - in this case - a clay pot hanging 4 feet above a concrete porch, and spreading their still-wet wings! Off they go! Plop.


I sometimes wonder how it all stays going. How improbable are some of these life cycles? These little guys, if they manage that first flight without harm, will spend a few weeks (months, maybe? I really don't know) scrambling along behind their parents in utter terror that they aren't the last one in line to get caught by some quick lizard tongue or swooping hawk. Where will the next bite to eat come from? Where is the nearest shelter from harm? What's good / what's bad in this very fast and dangerous world? I don't really want nature to be as arbitrary as it is - so much trade-off and interdependency.

(If you haven't already read Douglas Adams' book "Last Chance to See" - please rush to the bookstore and get it now. Talk about improbable life cycles!)

I hope these little ones make it. I always hope that.

But at least my sister can water her fern again!


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