Monday, May 15, 2006

The Space Needle

We started out yesterday morning with plans to go to the zoo, but never actually made it there. Instead, we spent much of the day in traffic jams and looking for non-existent parking places. In all fairness, the zoo's website did have the cryptic statement "we recommend using public transportation or carpooling to the zoo" which should have given us pause for thought. But we tried anyway. Unfortunately, it would appear that this statement justifies providing only, say, 14 parking places to the general public.

Does recommending carpooling relieve them of the obligation to actually provide a service - parking - while taking public money?

I guess it was a good decision though, from their perspective, just to make a statement, rather than go to the expense of building new parking lots. Much cheaper. Leaves more money for things like elaborate board rooms and donor parties and such. (Similarly, I always think that road caution signs that say things like 'Dip' or 'Rough Road' are simply indicative of some city council's decision to spend money on something other than road repairs. Warning signs are cheaper than filling in pot holes I guess. I'd love to sit in on some of those meetings.)

Anyway, we ended up downtown at the Space Needle instead.

Probably better all around.


At 4:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you and Mark considered taking up base jumping?

At 4:53 PM, Blogger Cathy said...

Base jumping??? I don't know what it is, but I don't think I like the sounds of it!

At 5:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can read all about base jumping here:

I really think you should consider it since you live so close to the space needle and all. ;)


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